The old Digital Subscription was based on delivering a “replica” of the print magazine in a digital format keeping the same page layouts with some online enhancements. It was available through platforms such as the iTunes Store or Google Play Store.
Starting with the January-February 2018 issue of WineMaker we’ve upgraded the experience and turned it into the new Brew Your Own Digital Membership. Instead of just providing a replica, now every piece of content from a given issue is broken out into its own page as separate article, recipes, and projects.
This allows for a better reading experience across all platforms with responsive design and fully searchable content. We’ve also brought over the full archives for all former digital editions so all that great content available in the past “replica” editions is here to enjoy.
Plus Members get to enjoy online access to updated versions expert “technique” articles, Special Issue library, and a troubleshooting database with Wine Wizard winemaking questions.