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During the day, I am a drywaller and I own my own business, but in my own time I have been making homemade wines for 20 years. I started out making Concord and Niagara wines, then later I started making fruit wines like strawberry/watermelon, cherry and plum. In 2004, a friend of mine, Brad Petrunak from Altoona, Pennsylvania, suggested that I try making honey wines. My first meads turned out really well…
From April 20–22, 2007, a record total of 3,422 different wines were judged at the Equinox Resort in Manchester, Vermont. The 2007 edition of the WineMaker International Amateur Wine Competition represented the largest and most diverse collection of amateur wines ever assembled. The 3,422 entries arrived from hobby winemakers living in over 40 American states and 8 Canadian provinces. Over the course of three days, judging panels worked through over 643 flights,…