Hope, strength and faith are the story behind Bob and Sonya Evanosky’s Momentum wine label.This label was submitted as part of WineMaker’s annual label contest in 2013. It received an honorable mention, but the story behind it was so moving that we wanted to share it in greater depth than what space allows in the “Story Behind the Label” section that runs in Cellar Dwellers in most issues. We hope you enjoy the touching story behind Bob and Sonya’s Evanosky’s label as much as we did.
A picture taken of our sons John and Christopher Evanosky inspires the artwork on our Momentum wine label. The photo, taken in 2004 by their mother, Sonya, captures the 2½-year-old twin boys after they made the decision to walk to the local park. She had thought that it seemed like such a wonderful moment that both of the boys could move forward on their own volition, since they had only recently obtained their walkers and had never been able to walk on their own. We were confident the walkers would only be temporary and the positive momentum they had developed would continue.
A few months later, however, they, along with their younger brother, were diagnosed with a fatal disease that left them with the inability to speak or walk and the expectation of a very short lifespan. While our family was dealt a tragic blow that we thought would be irrecoverable, we found hope and strength in a series of incredible events that were fueled by God’s ability to perform miracles and help us continue to move forward. John and Christopher continue to have positive momentum, though it is a bit different than what we originally imagined.
Winemaking at our household didn’t start until after the boys had successfully battled their disease for five years and the boys had already surpassed their life expectancy. We wanted to make something that our family could be proud of and something that could be shared with good friends — something that could help surround the boys with positive energy and good friendships.
The wine label has gone through numerous iterations, but always had the picture of the boys with their walkers at the core. The picture was turned into a line drawing through a computer program, and further enhanced by a friend. The line drawing seemed too stark and didn’t have the warmth that we wanted to convey, so it was then given to a graphic designer who added color.
The final label shows a path that moves forward, with curves but no visible end point, just like the path of their lives. As stated on the label, “Momentum defines our family’s approach to life and we apply that same passion and strength to the creation of our wines. We hope that all who drink our wines will experience good health, good friendships, and the same enduring strength that we have found.”