
Oct-Nov 2007


Testing options for pH and TA, Yeast choice for a fruit wine: Wine Wizard

Barrel tests QCan you tell me what I really need to handle one to one and a half barrels of juice annually? The TA and pH kits that I have seen are

Wine Wizard
Wine Wizard

As the weather warmed in May 2007, several of the wines in my basement started working again…

MLF malfunction As the weather warmed in May 2007, several of the wines in my basement started working again, similar in appearance to a MLF fermentation. I also noticed renewed fermentation in

Wine Wizard
Wine Wizard

I bottled an Amarone from juice about six months ago and opened a bottle last night and it has become carbonated…

What’s with the fizz? I bottled an Amarone from juice about six months ago. I have been trying it every couple of months to see how it is coming along. I opened

Wine Wizard
Wine Wizard

Can MLF bacteria become airborne?

Spring and summer are ideal times for yeast and bacteria, who may have been mid-ferment when cold winter weather hit, to wake up after a long sleep and begin partying again! I’m

Wine Wizard
Wine Wizard

Can I fix a re-fermented wine?

Since you report the wine “has become carbonated,” it sounds like it was still when you put it in the bottle and you wanted it to stay that way. It also sounds


Epiphany: Dry Finish

Call it a midlife crisis before mid-life, but at the age of 29 I was four years out of graduate school and faced with the prospect of working 30 years at a

Wine Wizard
Wine Wizard

Refermentation, malo on the move: Wine Wizard

What’s with the fizz? I bottled an Amarone from juice about six months ago. I have been trying it every couple of months to see how it is coming along. I opened


Blending Red and White: Tips from the Pros

You know from art class that red and white make pink, but is the same true for wine? Often rosès and blush wines are made from red grapes that are briefly exposed


A Clearer Understanding of Fining Agents

The first thing you notice when someone hands you a glass of wine is its color and clarity. We all expect wine to look clear and appealing and there are many ways