Dec 04-Jan 05
Copper Sulfate Solutions: Wine Wizard
Q How do I get copper sulfate in accurate diluted food grade form? I would like to treat 5 gallons (19 L) of stinky fruit wine to get rid of the rotten
Wine Wizard
Wine Wizard
I made 15 gallons (57 L) of wine in my basement and it won’t finish fermenting. Help!
Dear Wine Wizard, I made 15 gallons (57 L) of wine in my basement and it won’t finish fermenting. Now I am left with a wine that is carbonated, which I do
Wine Wizard
Wine Wizard
How do I get copper sulfate in accurate diluted food grade form? I would like to treat 5 gallons (19 L) of stinky fruit wine to get rid of the rotton sewer smell.
Dear Wine Wizard, How do I get copper sulfate in accurate diluted food grade form? I would like to treat 5 gallons (19 L) of stinky fruit wine to get rid of
2004 WineMaker Label Contest Winners!
The winners of the 2004 WineMaker Label Contest