Oct-Nov 2016
Adjust Your Must
There are many points throughout the winemaking process where a winemaker must make adjustments
in order to influence the final outcome. When the grapes come into the winery, the very first choices you will make as a winemaker will be done in the unfermented must.
Red Wine Sediment and What To Consider When Selecting A Yeast
What you’re experiencing is the precipitation over time of all sorts of complex tannins and colored compounds.
Restart Stuck Fermentations
All home winemakers wish — and strive — for fermentations that go smoothly and completely to the desired finish, usually dry wine. When things go wrong, a frequent problem is a stuck
Irrigating the Home Vineyard
Explore the three most common methods of irrigating a home vineyard, some of the more common myths surrounding watering grapevines, and if you need to even irrigate in the first place.
A Year in the Life of a Wine: Part I Starting in the vineyard
In the first installment of our new year-long series of how a homemade wine is made from homegrown grapes, we check in with the grapes at a most critical time — harvest.
Red Wine Sediment
I applaud you for your patience in aging your bottled wines that long! Would you be surprised to know that in the US most bottles of wine are consumed within 72 hours
Making Port-Style Wine: Tips from the Pros
Port is a fortified wine made in Portugal, but many North American winemakers are making their own versions. Use their advice to try your own Port-style wine! Winemaker: Matt Meyer, Meyer Family
Choosing Your First Wine Kit
Looking to buy your first wine kit? Here’s what you need to know before you start shopping.
I am writing this on an airplane on my way to Burgundy, the crossroads of France known for its great Chardonnay and Pinot Noir wines. But did you know that Burgundy has
What To Consider When Selecting A Yeast
Ah that is a wonderful and complex question. When a winemaker chooses to inoculate for fermentation (which I generally recommend) there are many factors to take into account when making that choice.