Dec 12-Jan 13
2012 WineMaker Wine Label Contest Winners
Winners from the 2012 WineMaker amateur label contest.
Late Malolactic, Wine Kit Ingredients, and Color Questions
Your Zinfandel probably had a good reason (in the wine’s opinion, anyway) why it didn’t go through ML fermentation.
Vineyard Q&A (2012 Edition)
Wes Hagen answers your home vineyard questions.
Reducing Use of Winemaking Sulfites
Inexperienced amateur winemakers are often misled thinking that making red wine is easier — or at least more foolproof — than making white wine because reds are better protected by polyphenols from
Table Wine Kits
This article we’ll be discussing immediate and intermediate strategies for making table wines that can be consumed very young while still delivering the full and delightful wine experience. Strategy one: go cheap
Going Pro RoundTable
How do you break into the wine industry? Do you volunteer to help out at a local vineyard for a vintage? Do you go to winemaking school? Do you start out as
Top 100 Wine Kits 2012
Over 50 experienced judges evaluated a total of 2,552 wine kit entries as part of the 2012 WineMaker International Amateur Wine Competition. This large collection of kit entries was sent into the
How Wine Kits are Made
Unless you work in the industry, you’ll likely never have seen the inside of a wine kit manufacturer’s facility. For liability reasons, they don’t give tours to civilians. There’s something about running
Wine Blending Partners
Blending accomplishes several goals in winemaking. It can be done to improve flavor, mouthfeel, cover a defect, balance the chemical profile, adjust the alcohol content, emulate a commercial wine you enjoy or
Late Malolactic
To shed light on your query, the Wine Wiz consulted the Winemaking Magic 8 Ball™ and the answer that floated to the top was, “Outlook not good.” If your 2010 Zinfandel still
Meadmaking: Tips from the Pros
Meadmaking — like winemaking — has been around for thousands of years. And if you make wine you can also make mead using much of the same equipment. In this issue, two
Your First Mead
Tips for brewing your firs batch of mead.
Strawberry Wine Color Question
Certainly feel free to experiment with food coloring in your strawberry wine but be sure to keep it food-grade and keep it modest to maintain the color within the realm of believability.
Winemaking From Frozen Must
Frozen musts provide the ability to make wine anytime regardless of harvest timing.
Metatartaric Acid In Wine Kit
Your question about metatartaric acid is a good one and one that brings to mind similar confusion and questions many of us have when faced with a litany of fining agents (and
Pinot Noir
While traveling recently in the Burgundy region of France, it was easy to see why the world loves Pinot Noir. It is the only red grape grown in that region, and the