Dec 15-Jan 16
Top 100 Wine Kits 2015
This past April, 50 experienced judges evaluated a total of 1,224 wine kit entries as part of the overall 2015 WineMaker International Amateur Wine Competition. This large collection of kit entries was
Savoring Wine: Dry Finish
There are many wines in Greece, but only one way to drink it. That, in any event, is what I was told on my first visit. Athens was chaotic and noisy, but
Build Your Own Basket Press
Build this basket press using HDPE plastic.
Making Maple Wine
Maple sap is a great source of natural sugar and certainly qualifies as home winemaking material. What is less certain, as you have found out, is how much of those subtle maple
Color Loss in Candy Cane Wine, 23-year-old Concord, Deprived Vines, and Maple Wine
Because of their chemical composition under wine pH (acidity) and fermentation conditions it’s quite possible these color compounds won’t stay red, or in solution, very long.
Deprived Vines
It sounds to me like you possibly have a heat and/or overexposure problem there with your vines. I’ll share a little personal anecdote with you about a similar situation that I have
Choosing and Using a Wine Pump
Many a home winery gets by just fine with no pump at all. If your hobby grows, though, you may find that many routine tasks are made simpler with the help of
2016 Label Contest Winners
Here’s the winners of the 2016 WineMaker label contest.
Build Your Own Destemmer-Crusher
Don’t want to fork over the money it costs to buy a destemmer-crusher? Good with your hands? Try building this!
Color Loss in Candy Cane Wine
Well, well, well. Candy cane wine is one I have never heard of! However, as one of my winemaking professors always said, you can ferment just about anything as long as you
Pairing Wine and Food: Tips from the Pros
There are many views on how to properly pair your wine and food for the most enjoyable dining experience. Three experts illustrate this while offering advice. Chef: Mark Molinaro, Northern Arizona University
Post-Harvest Cleanup
Don’t neglect your vineyard just because the grapes have been harvested. Here’s the cleanup that needs to take place.
American wine consumers tend to believe if a white wine has been bottled then it is ready to drink. But not all white wines are meant to only be enjoyed young. Let us introduce you to Sémillon.
Clearing A 23-Year-Old Concord Wine
Since 1992 (over 20 years) is quite a long time to store bottled wine. If you go to a supermarket or liquor store, you’ll notice that most red wines currently on the
Award-Winning Kit Winemakers Roundtable
How do you make the best possible homemade wine from a kit? You know, something truly great that can stand out in a crowded competition and go toe-to-toe with a fresh grape